Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've got $10, What do I buy?

Sorry this is so late! Its just been one of those weeks. I've been working on several projects at once, including a new story for WLWT on freebies. It should be out later this keep your eyes open! Now, on to this week's list...

Quick hit and run today--but I'll be back to add to this post, so check back this evening!


--free Cottonelle, as always! With this weekend's .50/1 q and Kroger's .99 price, its free!

--Free Land O Lakes butter! Various .55 and other q's out there, and Kroger has it 10/10 this week!


--.25 Warm Delights! They're on sale for $1.25 each, with .50/1 q's in the paper and on recently.

For those of you re-stocking your fridge from the storm, try these:

BOGO Tyson fresh chicken at Kroger. Use the .55/1 coupon (was in July's paper) at Kroger to save $1 per package!

Green Giant Steamfresh are reportedly $1.23 at Walmart, making them only .23 a package after the $1 off q from the paper two weeks ago!

I'll be back!

Don't forget to check out my website, where I'm assembling a page of printable coupon links!

Update: I wanted to add these Giant Eagle deals Tonya sent in:

* Cheerios- 5/$10-w/ q$1/1 Doubled -FREE
* Nature Valley Granola bars 3/$7- 3 q .$50/1-doubled= 3/$4- get cat $1.50 oyno- That makes them about $.73 box.
* The Kraft Easy Mac cups are 10/$10- q $1/2- doubled- $2/2= free
Keebler Cookies 5/$10- 2q $1/2- doubled 5/$6-cat $5 oyno- 5/$1
* Pantene products 4/$10 -2 bogo q- 4/$5- 2q $2/1= 4/$1

Thanks Tonya!

I'll be back this evening! I've filmed this week for a new story on WLWT's evening news, and today doing some photos for the next CincyMoms cookbook! I'm also continuing to add content to, so stop by and leave me some feedback!

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